Sunday 10 January 2016


Its 2016 now, so of course I was going to end up back here at some point. Where do I start? New Years eve, perhaps? To make it short; alcohol, friends homes, bar tops, billards, strangers homes, running around, outdoors, dancing, drunk phone calls, music, sparklers, rum, tequila, shots, drugs, food, friends, fun. All that jazz. I hope everyone has one night every year thats like this.
Now on to the deeper side of things: aspirations, goals, hopes and dreams for 2016. I really have no idea. I'd like a new job for starters. New car, new lifestyle, new perception. 
I wish to be new in total.
I wish to be a blank canvas. 
I wish all the worst of me to disappear.
I wish to start blank. And don't we all?
I don't want to be like how I was yesturday. Yesturday, I had chose to stay in bed, but today I'm going to chose to get out of it. That kind of deal. Thats what i hope for in 2016. 

Making new choices. Get out of my comfort zone. Engage in everything around me to find myself.

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