Sunday 10 January 2016


Its 2016 now, so of course I was going to end up back here at some point. Where do I start? New Years eve, perhaps? To make it short; alcohol, friends homes, bar tops, billards, strangers homes, running around, outdoors, dancing, drunk phone calls, music, sparklers, rum, tequila, shots, drugs, food, friends, fun. All that jazz. I hope everyone has one night every year thats like this.
Now on to the deeper side of things: aspirations, goals, hopes and dreams for 2016. I really have no idea. I'd like a new job for starters. New car, new lifestyle, new perception. 
I wish to be new in total.
I wish to be a blank canvas. 
I wish all the worst of me to disappear.
I wish to start blank. And don't we all?
I don't want to be like how I was yesturday. Yesturday, I had chose to stay in bed, but today I'm going to chose to get out of it. That kind of deal. Thats what i hope for in 2016. 

Making new choices. Get out of my comfort zone. Engage in everything around me to find myself.

Sunday 27 December 2015


Welp, 2016 is coming and I suppose it's time to start something new. Straight to the point then, this blog will be an epic about my life in 2016. I'm not the most exciting person in the world, and I really hope no one ever finds this ridiculous blog (I may not even post anything after this) and if you have... I'm truly sorry. This is more for me, to write about things somewhere in the interwebs as I please. I've never blogged before so bare with me. I guess I'll have to tidy the page up a bit, but all in due time. See you in 2016.